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Spitting Fame


I covered the walls
Inside my world
With aluminum sheets
Because it makes a funny noise
When I beat my head against it
There's a sound like thunder
When I kick at them
Trying to get out
Of this room
That I built to keep me safe
From the rest of the world
But I forgot
That it would keep out
The few birds and cats
That I actually enjoy
Keeping council with
I forgot that advice
Can't come from the self alone
Only outside opinion can
Slap you in the face
With the things
That you already should have known
So I keep trying to escape
My own machinations
But there's something else I forgot
I seem to have built my cage
A little too well
So if you see me
Somewhere in some cafe
And it looks like I'm fighting
With myself
That just means I've almost
Gotten out
But my sentries
Who I've named
Fear and Regret
Are chasing me

~Matt Magus

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