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Seattle's Beast


I'm finding it harder to breathe
Every day
Every girl in this
Wanker-infested town
Looks like Her
With a twist
As if someone planted
Retro-active landmines
So that I would die
From a self-inflicted guilt trip
Thought I'd walked this ground before
Until not even a weed could grow
But the damn dasies
Just keep getting pushed up
By brutally murdered memories
Of the boy I used to
Love to hate
Who just happened
To live in this body
That I occupy
But like a poltergeist
He just keeps throwing
Unfinished-project projectiles
And old photos across the room
That exists in my mind
Until time has that wobblely feeling
That your stomach gets
After a night of hard drinking
And all the lovers-turned-friends
Feel like the distorted
Monsters from fairy-tales
And disillusioned sadists

~Matt Magus

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