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My rant for the week


Well the reading was incredibly small tonight, and our host (Miranda) didn't show up. I'm kind of worried about her, as I'm certain she wouldn't normally have missed tonight. Especially seeing as how she was making people promise to be there, myself included. I rather hope she didn't have some sort of accident, or knowing her, do something stupidly rash.

While I have the subject on my mind, there's something that needs to be gotten off my chest. A while ago something happened between two friends of mine that shouldn't have happened. There are things that I've heard from people other then those involved, but seeing as how I have no actual first hand information from either of the people directly involved, I won't bother repeating what I have heard. You see unlike almost everyone I know, I don't spread around third hand information. If it doesn't come from the source itself, then it doesn't bear mentioning, and that above all else is the point of this little rant. I've only heard anything about this situation from people who were not DIRECTLY involved, two people very specifically who shall remain nameless. Now as far as I'm concerned, these two people have no buisiness talking about it. NONE WHAT-SO-EVER! Let me define what I mean by "directly involved", just so I make sure we are all abso-fucking-lutely clear about who should or should not be talking about any given situation. If you were not a part of an event, i.e. there at that moment, and not physically involved in what happened, then you have no fucking business discussing it. You were not DIRECTLY involved. Being someone's girlfriend or ex-best-friend DOES NOT make you directly involved, no matter how much you THINK it does. Considering that the only two people DIRECTLY involved in this incident have chosen to (both) not talk about it, THEN YOU SHOULDN'T EITHER!!! Besides, do you really fucking think anyone is stupid enough to believe the very obvious bullshit that you've spread? Well, I guess we do live in Okla-fucking-homa, but that still doesn't give you an excuse to do what amounts to ruining the lives of TWO people (by the way, that's exactly what you're fucking doing, because as many people believe the story the two of you have been saying, just as many believe the OPPOSITE to be true, despite the fact that the person you've been attempting to slander hasn't said anything AT ALL to them). Besides, one of the things that was said logically holds to be false by the very statement itself. I'll not give details, so if either of you read this, and want to ask me what I mean, then come do so, and I'll tell you directly, but not anyone else. By the way, for those of you who know me on a personal level, and are curious but aren't sure what the heck I'm talking about...don't bother. I won't tell you. No matter how good your convincing skills might be.


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