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Never Wallow in Oppression


Ok, that's done. For those of you (like myself), who don't usually notice these things, I've added a link to my profile at the bottom of the page. Although I think you'll find more information about me if you look all the way back at when I started this thing and find an entry called "About Moi". While I changed over the (nearly) year I've been doing the D-land thing, I think you'll find that the information there is still applicable. It doesn't really matter that much though I suppose, especially as I only actually have about eight people who read this thing on a regular basis. Oh, well, time for a new poem


There's something evil in the air tonight
Like the smell of sulfer and baby-crap
It refuses to go away
I'm looking over the time it's been
Since I started making an ass of myself
On an international level
Firestorms of words and worlds
Still terrorize my mental landscape
And I still seem to have this annoying habit
Of falling in love with women who are
Incapable of returning those feelings
I'm starting to think of myself as an old bloodhound
Who only sniffs out Killers of the Heart
The world still disgusts me as much
As stepping in animal leavings
When coming out of my front door
Although it still amazes me each day when I wake up
That Gaia is still here
That we haven't blown ourselves up
In a fitting tribute to a certain cartoon coyote
And taking our tired mother off to oblivion with us
I still watch the dancing of the clouds
With the anticipation of one of those guys who watches sporting events
And attempt to mimic thier movements when I'm drunk on good whiskey
While listening to Tori's disembodied molodies
I still have varying amounts of either love, hate or fear
Everytime I see a puppet move
And I'm still trying to catch my breath on paper
Or at least in electrons that float
Inside a relm created by colleges and geeks
I wonder if I could offer my memories up
As a sacrifice for good poetry
And my tomorrows are often mistaken for yesterdays
I think for now I'll write epitaphs of good minds gone stale
On starlight with chalk made from moon rocks
Brew potions from the teeth of dogs and the heart of a broken widow
Paint my face with pictish flowers
And walk until my legs give out
Get back up and try again


By the way, No Way Out was great. One of the best matches of the night (if not THE best) was Rob Van Dam vs. Goldust. While, unlike the first few WWf's RVD was involved with, the match didn't steal the show (completely, and even that is arguable) it was certainly highly entertaining. It was good to see Nash, Hall and Hogan on television again, if only for a brief amount of time and they certainly got themselves across as heels. I just hope Hogan doesn't spend too much time in the ring these days, because he isn't as young as he used to be, and even when he was the fans didn't expect as many dangerous spots. At any rate, well done WWF, for making the money I spent to get in at the Varsity ($5) seem worth it, even if maybe it wasn't.

~Matt Magus

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