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Dead Sea Serpents


Greeting adversity like a long lost friend
I stepped through the doorway in my mind
And begain the journey of a thousand steps
With a leap of a million miles
You see when I was a child
I knew I could fly
I knew it the way you know that you are going to sneeze
The instant before you actually do it
I knew that if I jumped just right
I would never have to hit the ground
I did this many times as a boy
I flew to Egypt in the length of an eyelash
Britian was a nanosecond of infinity
If I would have known of China then
I would have gone there too
But I wasn't yet educated on
The shape of our world
You see
I always knew that magick existed
And I knew that I could do more
"Impossible" things
Simply because they were not so to me
Perhaps I read and heard too many
Of all the wrong kinds of faerie tales
Or perhaps somehow in my young age
I had gotten a hold of some comic books
That I had not ment to see
I like to think that it was because
That many armed creature
That most of you call reality
Hadn't dragged me down to her level yet
In either case I confused any "adult" around me
With the knowledge of what I could do
And thier fear led them to do thier best
To try to "correct" me
To tell me that I had
Mearly been dreaming
And so as I got older
I remebered the days of my youth
And those things that I had been convinced were dreams
And how "real" those dreams were to me
But something had been missing
From that point on
Like a cross-word puzzle you only know
Half the answers too

I found out later
Though study, meditation and other forms of prayer
That I was right all along
But they were right also
You see that ability to fly
That I had then and have re-developed
Exists in that link between the conscious and the sub-level therin
And it not only lets you fly wherever
Your beaten heart may desire
But also whenever
Because each molecule in your mind
Can connect you to another time
because the same atoms in you
Have existed through all eternity
And some of the ones
That currently inhabit your brain
Where also in the brains of others
Perhaps long ago perhaps not
And since memory is made of energy
Rather then matter
You can access pieces of other times
Brief though they may be
It's kind of like a hologram
Wherein each piece contains a picture of the whole
So does the energy between
Your material makeup
Your genetic patterns
But then I might just be looney

~Matt Magus

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