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go away, you don't really need to read this shit


Why have I been so tired lately? I came to try to right a poem and update my diary, but the second I got my browser to the update screen, my eyes started to get heavy, I felt really dizzym and my mind started to slip away quietly to unconsciousness(sp?, oh well, I don't really care right now). I feel almost as if a part of me is falling, and I don't understand it. It's kind of like the first warning sign that you've had too much of most "mellow" type drugs. It's that kind of sleepiness. The kind that makes you just want to sink into your skin close your eyes and let your mind take you where it seems to be pulling you too.There's an acute awareness of the things going on around me, but only through the sense of hearing. It seems like every footfall echos in my ears, and all of the voices outside of my head can be paid individual attention too desipte the fact that they all seem to be layering over each other. This makes coding off work orders all the more interesting, but suprisingly easier, mainly because background noises no longer distract me enough to keep me from hearing my techs. This will be my last reading for about a month, and then hopefully when I come back, I can have all four books ready to sell. Personally, I can't wait until I don't have to close as often anymore and can have the freedom of movement I so enjoy, but sometimes you have to put on chains in order to free yourself. Monday night I took second place in the slam that was held at the University of Oklahoma in Norman. It was hosted by two Nationally known poets, Aiton Kadosh and Buddy Wakefield, both of whom performed a little for us before the slam started. It was something special, of course, Buddy's performances always are, but Aiton has improved substantially over the last time he was here, in which he was still damn good, but slightly overshadowed by the estrogen on the tour. Now I think it would be different, at least, it would be if it were anything like Monday night was. Anyway, I've taken enough of your time with my rambling.

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