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Hitching a ride over the Styx


Tonight I spent a decent amount of time at Denny's, and rather enjoyed myself. I actually got two things written completely (and a few fragments best left until later). I'm going to post both of them, this entry will end with the first and the second will be a seperate entry. So here we go with the first.


This hall of shattered mirrors
Broken distortions of me
I walk forward
Scared of what I might find
What versions of me
Exist in the various shards?
Will I meet my cruelty here?
Or perhaps the romantisized hero
I have often painted myself to be?
Maybe I'll find Magus
God of Nicotine
The creation of a few joking friends
From Denton, Texas
My steps falter as I think of it
I ponder these possibilities
And begin to doubt I'll have
The strength to face any of them

So imagine my fear
As I walk across the glass at my feet
Turn a corner
And am faced with all three facets at once
As they step out from the reflective portals
That conceal the relms where they exist
I stare blankly at three sets
Of my own eyes
And I remember all those times
That I've stared into my eyes
Looking for something I could never name
And finding only my anger, hate, and cruelty

They lumber toward me
Even slower and more purposefully
Then I usually walk
Each with one of those
Myriad facial expressions
I've always wanted to patent

A voice splits the air like a hatchet
And the three shatter
Each into a million fragments
The image of each piece fades
Revealing only more glass
I realize the voice that had
Destroyed them had been my own
I had said;
"You are unreal
"Each of you is but
"One piece of me
"And all of you combined
"Still don't make the whole
"I am greater
"Then the sum of all my parts
"You are nothing but hollow,
"Two-dimensional imitations

As I stand dazed
Figuring all this out
Sorting the puzzle pieces
Of events in my head
Another voice,
This one does not belong to me,
Crawls through the darkness
Like an insect
"You've made it past this trail,
"But there are many, many others"
I know instinctively that
The donkey-headed God of Death
Is master of this voice
This realization tears into me
And shatters, shreding my mentally
As I fall to my knees in fear
He speaks one last time
"We'll continue this later,
"Then we'll see how clever you are"

~Matt Magus

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