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I wonder who has been doing the writing for "The Un-Americans" in the wwe. I wonder mostly because I've heard things come out of thier mouths almost verbatum, that I have written here right on this page. The problem of course, is that they mix it with old Iron Shiek standards like calling Americans fat and lazy. The difference between that gimmick and the things I say however, is that as an American, I have to hold my country to certain standards that, as I child, I was told that this country stood for. When you find out later that all of these things were lies, it leaves one disillusioned and sad. I personally want the country that I was programed to believe I lived in.

Also, why do these idiots have to throw in old quotes from other "Anti-American" heels of the past. The truth would be good enough, mention Nicaragua, and the things that happened there. How about Leonard Peltier(sp?)? No need to make stupid shit up when the truth works just fine. At any rate, I actually kind of want the gimmick to work out for these guys, after all, of them only Regal has found his nitche in WWE, while all of the others have really struggled to get "over" as both heels and faces. Still they need to do something different with this gimmick, before all of the men involved become staples on Heat and in dark matches.

I was really impressed with RVD this week. His mike skills are improving, and we all know that this is the only thing he is lacking from becoming a full-time main eventer in the WWE. His feud with HHH will go a long way to cementing this coveted status, after all HHH can get anyone over. That's one of the reasons why despite his current heel persona, he still gets great pops as if he were a face. I'm really excited about the whole thing, especially as this is one of the possibilities I thought about when RVD first came to the federation. It's just too bad that Shawn Michaels isn't in very good shape right now, otherwise I would love to see the match beween RVD and Michaels. Unfortunately Shawn's fused back makes that prospect exceedingly unlikely.


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