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Warez on a stupid day


So last night was interesting in a train wreck sort of way. Jen's friend Lynda is in town, so it was nice to see her again. It seems that at least one of our Denny's people is trying very hard to get in her pants. Can't say I blame her. I gave Jen all kinds of shit last night, and I rather hope I haven't been going overboard with it, but I seemed unable to help myself. It's just that I have so much fun teasing her that I have to wonder later if I went to far with it. She didn't actually seem overly offended at anything I said, but she probably wouldn't admit it if she was. At least not publiclly, instead Bobbie or Lynda would probably get an earful when they got home about what a prick I was being. I hope that the only reason for it is that a part of me feels like it has earned the right to give her a hard time, and that over the two years we were together she (hopefully) would know when I was kidding.

Although there is something serious I've been meaning to tell her, despite the fact that all I seem to want to do when she's in front of me is make jokes at her. You see, I realized the other day that I'm quite proud of our Ms. Jen-Jen. You see, despite all of the little roadblocks (no pun intended) that have been thrown in her way lately, she hasn't given up on getting her shit together and working on her goals. That takes a certain something that a lot of people don't have. People have a tendancy of giving up on thier goals when things aren't going the way they want them to. She's driving again, despite the problems she had with the Nevada DMV. She's kept her relationship with Bobby going despite the rocks that kept getting in the way at the begining. All in all, I'm quite proud of her, despite the fact that I had very little to do with it.

~Matt Magus

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