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Sometimes even Thoth gets cranky


So I was watching a little t.v. tonight (my usualy hour of Frasier) and a commercial came on for "the singles line" just as my mother walked into the room. She said "Maybe you should call that. It's for singles, you know," with all the subtlety she could muster.

I just thought I'd share that funny little story with all of you. At any rate, here's my poem of the night.


With eyes that glowed
Like the balefires of the ninth circle
Of Dante's imagination
She walked into the room
I could tell she
Was a sensualist because
She was all dolled up
In razor-wire and velvet
With a smile that could
Pound at your chest
Like a sledgehammer
Her boots ended
In stelleto heels
That clicked in perfect time
To "O Fortuna"
And for a moment
She grabbed my attention
Like plyers on the testicles
She met my gaze
And I noticed those
Feathery-black wings
That I've seen to often
At certain stores in the mall
I walked away laughing
And I never looked back

~Matt Magus

p.s. Is this cruel? Oh well, deal...I felt like doing something slightly cheese infested tonight.

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