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El Muerte de Torquemada


I stand here
With moonlight peeking
Around the corners of my eyes
I breathe in music
And breathe out poetry
I know that somewhere between
These seemingly simple
And similar actions
Only a molecule's change
Makes the difference
But I can't quite simplify
The chemical equation
So I breathe in music
And breathe out poetry
In Waits
Out Shakespeare
Smith/Yeats Osbourne/Elliot
And now I'm writhing in pain
Trying to find the catalyst
That makes these changes take place
And tracked down
The King od Dreams to his lair
Kicked down the castle doors
Ignoring the warnings of the sentries
I stormed the throne
And demanded inspiration
"You deranged wayward man-spirit"
He began
With a voice as old as the Void
Yet young as my last thought
All hollowed out
And sweet at the same time
"It's rather unfortunately
"Not quite so simple
"Inspiration is not a boon
"To be won
"Or a gift to be granted
"You must make it yourself
"I amonly allowed to show you
"The benefits that you mind
"Has all ready reaped
"From the harvesting
"Of personal experiance"
And I wake laughing
As I have from
Many nightmares
And I roam the streets
Moonlight peeking through
The corners of my eyes
Beathing in music
And Breathing out poetry


This is something I wrote last night just before I went to bed...somehow it seemed a lot better when I was all doped up on NyQuil(tm)

~Matt Magus

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