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The ultimate "anti-review" of LotR. (there are spoilers about the movie, if you haven't seen it, don't read this post until you do)


Well, I suppose I should begin my entry by saying Merry Christmas. I think that, despite the fact that I'm not a Christian, we should remember that the point of this holiday is to give without want of anything in return. That's a concept that transends religion.

I went to see Lord of the Rings:Fellowship Of the Ring tonight, and I want to take this time to do a review-type thing and provide my answer to the few complaints I heard about it. Overall, the movie was fantastic, and I don't say that about many movies these days. As for the complains I heard, well here we go. The first was something I read in "The Daily Oklahoman", which, for those of you who aren't in Oklahoma is the propaganda machine that the publisher, one Mr. Gaylord, mis-calls a newspaper. It stated that Frodo was not an interesting enough protaganist and that at the end of the movie you want to follow Strider's adventures more than our loveable younger Baggins. My answer to that is "read the fucking books you moron". Frodo is not supposed to be some kick-ass hellion, he's just a hobbit, and not a very adventerous one at that. He's not supposed to be kicking the heck out of everybody, if he could, we wouldn't need the other characters in the story now would we? Besides, the whole point of Frodo Baggins is that he's in way over his head until the very end of the saga. That's two more movies away you twit. The other thing this critic said is that the movie is too long. I say to that, the movie couldn't have been any shorter or the makers would have been crucified for defiling the story. In fact, there are quite a few people, who are fans of the books, that complained that the movie wasn't nearly long enough. One such complaint was that there wasn't enough emphasis placed on Boromir's death, and said person also complained that the ceremony for his funeral was cut out. To this I say that Boromir's death made it's points, which were twofold: 1)In his dying, Boromir redeems himself after having fallen to temptation slightly earlier. 2)It is Boromir's death that causes Strider to accept his destiny as the king of men, and thus defender of them. The funeral scene only really adds emphasis to this and is otherwise unimportant to the story. Another complaint is one that I'm afraid most purists will want to fry me for answering, and that is Arewyn. Complaint about Aremyn #1:What is she doing weilding a sword? Answer:If you didn't notice, she never uses it except as a tool to lead the ring-wraiths into a false sense of security. Also her part in the origional story is so small that, how do we know whether or not she can use a sword? We don't. Complaint #2:What's up with the sub-plot of her affair with Strider? Answer: It gives the story the only thing that the origional was missing, a love-story, and what's wrong with that? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing, that's what. Complaint #3; Isn't Arewyn supposed to look like the most beautiful woman ever to walk the face of the earth, so why Liv Tyler? Answer:I have no answer to this except to say that, we don't have Monroe anymore. There were a few other complaints that I heard, but I think my point is well taken, the movie isn't exactly like the book, and there was no way in hell to make it such, and the purists should deal with it. For what it is, nothing left out of the film, or added to the film hurt the story in any real way. It is simply the greatest movie adaptation of a book I have ever seen in my life, and it's probably the same for most of you, even if you don't want to admit it. As always, if you're not down with that, I've got two words for ya!

~Matt Magus

p.s. Those aren't the two words...

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