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Fingerprints and Candybars


Well...I went to the live Raw show tonight, and was all around a good time. There's a certain heel push that they did that I don't agree with. It's not that this person shouldn't be a heel, but he shouldn't be the type of heel that they're making him. I know I'm being vauge right now, but if you haven't watched it yet I don't want to give it away. I almost have no voice from the combination of tonight and last wed. which was crappy mic night for us poets. The fact that it wasn't working and the loud people at the bar ment I had to scream what should have been two relatively quiet pieces at the top of my lungs. I think my voice may be damaged for the next couple of days. Such is the price I'm willing to pay for a touch of mediocrity in my poetry career.

At any rate here's a new poem for you, at least I hope so.


You and I are
Fragmented memories of another land
Always pretending to be
Something more than we are
As if we never left that stage
All those years ago
We've been trying to deny
Our reality ever since
Hiding behind cut away cardboard masks
That we pretend are our strength
I know that we both regret
That it never happened
They way it could have
They way we thought it should have
If we could take our facade curtains down
And show each other
The gloriously hideous truth
Then maybe
But maybes aren't enough for you
To drop the veil that you wrap
Who you really are into
And I can't judge you for it
Because I still haven't dropped all my alter egos yet
Even though I think you're worth
The humilation of baring the inner skin
With the blemises of rejection
Still festering there
And the open wounds from countless heartbreak
And my own megalomania
Still running emotional blood
Like the Colorado river after a storm
For you
This shame means nothing

p.s. Thanks Lei!!!

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