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Premature Holloween Party


Well, we certainly had an interesting time last night. There was a party at Melissa and Fish's apt. building and we took over the whole building. It was lots of fun despite a little bit of drama involving Scott and his girlfriend. Still, Scott is quite justified in his anger. Lauren Poe(wp) was there as well as Raymond, Bo (a rather stocky gentleman who likes to joust), Jessie (a rather not-so stocky guy who likes to do the same), Jennifer(who I learned was dating Lauren...I really have nothing nice to say about this), Cathy (Who could rightfully be considered the matriarch of OKC goth community), Tig(big guy in all black), and the biggest shocker of all, my good friend Vulture, aka Don. What can one say about Don? We used to have a running joke in the old "family" about him being a Vampire (mainly because of his obsession with such things), which didn't stop when he finally produced a birth cirtificate because the ink was blotted enough on the stamp to where it looked like the date on it was 1888. He has spent the last 7 years running back and forth between OKC, NOLA, and Atlanta, GA., with a few brief stops in Little Rock, Ak. and Mobile AL. His dysfunctional relationship with his sister is the stuff of legend, and he really dislikes Tommy for personal reasons that started during the Metro days in OKC. Oh, yeah, and he hits on nearly every male that moves, and even a few who don't. :P There was also a random crack-whore who it seemed came right of the street and insisted on calling me Matthew. I hate that. Now, when I say this girl was a crack-whore, I don't mean it in the same way one casually insults one's friends. This girl was the real thing. She wanted me and just about anyone else to buy her Meth in exchange for sexual favors. When I fist saw her I noticed that she had a black eye, which I thought was just because of make-up. It wasn't. She also had quite a few bruises on her thighs, and she had a very annoying habit of grabbing at my crotch. Now normally, this isn't something I mind, if you have an invitation to do so, (or I've been dating you for sometime). This particular instance was of greater annoyance than the infamous stripper who wasn't really a stripper story from Las Vegas. (if you need details on this one e-mail me, I don't feel like explaining the stupidity of it right now)

That's all I feel like talking about tonight, as I have to get to bed so I can do more job-hunting tomorrow. No new poems for you tonight!

~Matt Magus

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