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Tonight was damn good, even without Jack Craddock there. Sure you could tell there was something special missing from the reading, but it was displaced because of all the new good poetry. There's only thirty names that can go on that list, and a lot of people don't get the chance to share with us because of all the regulars who get up there early, just to get on the list. I also have the feeling that some people have been getting bumped off the list by some of the less considerate regulars. I'm getting to notice that more and more names just happen to get scratched off the list and other, regular poets just happen to take thier place.

I'm listening to Tom Waits as usual, "Closing Time" is the album. It's putting me in a bad sadly way. There are two things most people should never do alone. Drink and listen to too much Tom.

No poem tonight, as I cannot seem to concentrate on my writing process for some reason...

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