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What the hell was I thinking, this is too fucking cheesy


All the rain falls down
On last year's man
That's a jew's harp on the table
That's a crayon in his hand

---"Last Year's Man", Leonard Cohen

Heavy thunderstorms in Oklahoma today. The lightning always makes me smile. All the paintings ever done cannot match with those brilliant blue flashes. They crawl across the sky like celestial snakes. With the accompanying thunder that can shake your lungs, there's nothing quite like witnessing it. Unfortunately, there is the side effect of tornados, as we had tonight. And as usual, there was a lot of houses brought down shattering many lives. When last I heard, no one had died though. Just imagine having every momento and keepsake, photograph and personal item scattered over hundreds of miles in an instant.

I can't help but feel that something is terribly wrong, but I can't quite seem to figure out what it is. Things that should mean a lot to me seem to be nothing, and I don't know why. Anyway, here's tonights poem.


I didn't think my eyes
Could ever shine the way they do tonight
I thought the light had
Long since faded from them
If I seem a bit quiet tonight
It's only because my mind has
Entangled itself in your presence
It keeps me from being able to speak my mind
And even if I could
Half the things I'm thinking
Wouldn't be polite to mention
There are always moments in your heart
When said organ wants to
Take over the conversation
But unlike the mind
It is unable to store the words
And so I sit here unable
To utter a sound
But instead
We'll communicate in the rythm of our breath
And let our spirits wrap around each other
As we both long to do

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