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The Book of My Wand ( a parody)


The Book Of My Wand (A parody)

1 Holy shit! The manifestation of Thoth!

2 I bear for thee my beak and my crux. Suck it!

3 Thou shalt quote the meaninless nonsense hearin for nigh on a century, yet thou shalt never know why.

4 Pretend to know the meanings of the meaningless which thou must write for me, for thou art my bitch.

5 I see the light in thine eyes, my priest. No, thou shalt recieve no buggering. That shall be saved for another who comes after thee. This Holy Whore shalt be buggered mightly. Thou must only write, and give occasional fellatio.

6 Turn thine eyes away form such thoughts, lest this become far too much juvinile humour to continue.

7 Thou must bring the masses to me on a fish hook, only the overly geeky shalt know this meaning. Or enjoy reading anything thou hast wrote, thou moron of a thousand references.

8 I see what thou art thinking, and this shalt be the only protoculture reference.

9 Keep the weak away with thy nudity. This shalt disgust all but the most fearless.

10 HiSt456jGdt. Use the force to figure out the meaning therein.

11 The blind shalt always follow the stupid if there is sex involved. Or a little cash to be made.

12 TAHUTI! This is the name that thou shalt call me. I'm tired of the damned Greek mispronunciation. Or if thou can not call me thus, call me YOUR BEAKNESS.

13 If thou can lead 100 adult virgins to me, then thou hast created a miracle, for none exist in the lands of OKLAHOMA. Sacrifice only from thyself, lead the pure to mine altar, to be consumed in my holy fire.

14 Lead unto me also the impure, for they shalt be made stars in my sight. Praise shalt be given for thier indiscretions, and then devoured whole by my mighty Chimera. A rebirth awaits.

15 If thou understood that last bit. Thou art lying to thyself. There is no truth in stupidity.

16 Love is still the LAW. Yet this does not mean what the hippies thought it did. Back away from the crack pipe slowly, and thine eyes shalt be opened.

17 Lover if thou wilt, depart! But don't expect thy ex to feel good about themselves afterwards.

18 Do what thou Wilt IS the whole of the Law. Do not think that this is an excuse to indulge in whims. In fact, do NOT think, for thou art no good at it.

19 Annoint thy genitals, but not in cinnamon oil, lest thou writhe around in pain like a moron. If thou do not know what to annoint thyself in, then thou art too nieve, and probably should go away.

20 The Book of Lies is not a great text on the QBL, thy Beast was just horney. Read it with this knowledge and laugh. Liber Aleph is more serious, yet funnier to those who get it.

21 Speak as if thy opinion is Truth, and people will either make fun of thee, or follow your crap like flies, both are desired.

22 Kneel before my alter and pucker up. I desire my posterior kissed.

23 Our time is near the end, for I'm running out of material.

25 The fall of Matt-chu! Blimey!

I hope you get as much of a kick out of this as I did writing it.


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