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Insert Multiple Obsenities Here (a-la Stephen King)


I had a brilliant entry in my mind on the drive over here. It was beautiful and moving. I had almost the whole thing figured out in my head, pretty much word for word. That's when I noticed that my car was overheating. I've not only lost one of the few pieces I would have been proud to call something I wrote, but also my radiator has a HUGE fucking hole in it. I had to stop 3 or 4 times in the small trip between the highway and this apartment. I suppose that once I clear my head, I'll be able to write the thing. For right now however you'll just have to do with this pathetic entry.

I was supposed to go to a concert in Dallas on Monday, but it turns out that I woke up about the time that the damn thing was starting...I had only gone to sleep that day because I was feeling especially ill. I'm sure I've probably pissed off a few people in the process of missing this thing, especially since I was supposed to buy the alchohol afterwards. I hope this doesn't ruin good friendships, but if it does then I guess they weren't very good friendships after all. Until next time....


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