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A rant about Slams


Well...I'm in the final round and I really didn't have to beat anybody. So two weeks from tonight I'm pulling out all the stops, bringing out my best and giving the crowd a taste of old school (I refuse to mispell it) wrath of HVHI Magus. Only the top four can go to finals, and I'm going to do my best to make sure I'm on the damn team. If not, oh well...I'm up against some of the best, so I can't complain (I bet I will anyway though). The way I see it, the team will definately be Tazz, Tapestry, Will, and one other person. That other person is going to be either myself or Rick. Rick is a damn good poet, he's just not great at performing. He's getting better at that every time he get up to the microphone though. I am not a good poet, but I have damn good mike skills when I feel like performing. If we could combine my performance with Rick's words we would have the best slam poet in the world. Hmmmmm


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