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A rant on sexual ignorance (mine)


The other day I talked to Jen online. The conversation went something like this:

mattmagus:So how are you doing?
Dreamof1000cats:I'm great! I'm going to fuck Dan tomorrow!!!

The first thought that came to mind is "Jesus woman, you ARE turning into a slut!!". Then I thought about my reaction for a moment. Who in the hell am I to make that kind of judgement call about someone? Just because she's blunt about her sexuality doesn't make her a whore. Besides that, I've been a bit promiscuous at times, so the very reaction made me a sort of hypocrite. I can't stand being a hypocrite. So I decided that if what she was doing made her happy, and let her have a good day for once, then I should be happy for her. I realize my initial reaction was because of my still lingering feelings for the girl, but that doesn't give me the right to go name calling now does it? Perhaps a few of you out there could benefit from this little revelation, perhaps not.


"You've done it before/time after time/refuse to learn your mistakes/you gave till it hurt/thought it was right/only fools make mistakes twice/so you sit home/drinking alone/empty bottle in your hand/ don't even try/ to sort out the lies/ it's worse to try to understand"---Type O "Unsucessfully Coping With the Natural Beauty Of Infidelity" ...heh.

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