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Jesus built my pod racer


There was a random party at Will's last night. It was really cool for the most part, but I aparently got in a nostalgic and sentimental mood after a few flicks and a few random voices in my head from the past. Not to mention that there were people that I don't know very well at all there, so I became rather intimidated and timid very quickly. This is what happens when a shy boy drinks around gods of poetry and women that he's attracted to. So even though I left at four o'clock (which is well before I legally should have), I still left the party rather early. There is all sorts of drama and trauma in the lives of certain younger friends of mine (well, acquaintances mostly, but I still like the kids a lot). To those of you who read this, the things that have happened may hurt or make you uncomfortable, but these are not reasons to hold a grudge. As for me, I forgive transgressions to a certain point, and then if it just gets worse I'll remove myself from the presence of those that I feel have done me wrong. I will not hold a grudge however, as I and many of you have done similar things. What I'm trying to say here is that if you have done the same things to people, then it becomes hypocritical to condemn someone for it, or even be all that angry with them. You shouldn't stand there for it either, remove thyself from the sight of those offensive to you and be done with it, and don't bring mutual friends into it. Let them make thier own decisions, because otherwise you become the asshole who wants to come between someone else's friendships.


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