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I'm sitting here tonight with blisters on my feet that have popped. That may seem rather gross to most of you, but to me they are a godsend. I've been going for walks the past couple of nights. There is nothing quite like long walks in the middle of the night, when there is no one out and very few cars on any of the roads. I always find that it helps me to forget all of my angsty little BS, and just focus on exporing aspects of my personality that I don't get to spend a lot of time with. At around 4:30 am on the back streets of Norman, one can become just about anything. You can become some feral creature running through the night, wind in your hair and grass beneath your toes, or you can be some personfication of noble ideals on the greatest quest of your life... or you can just be yourself in ways that you can never be around your friends, family or other loved ones. It's very liberating, being able to entertain any and every thought in your head... or maybe I'm just freaking weird


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