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Comp CD and bitching


Well here we are again...before I start todays rambling there are a few things I would like to mention. Met a really nifty girl online today, I don't know her name yet, but she really likes Tori Amos and Nabakov and that makes her damn cool by me.

Raymond is out of town this weekend so I'm pretty much company-less and I haven't decided whether or not that's a good thing due to my recent state of mind. The last time I checked Jen was the only one to sign my guestbook, and I know there are more of you out there...let me know who all is reading my pointlessness

Ok. Ramble time. I burned a comp cd that I call "The soundtrack of my life in no particular order: part one". Here is a list of tracks and some explaination as to why they are there.

1:Ozzy Osbourne-"Walk On Water"; because I DON'T

2:Depeche Mode-"A question of time"; because "they" did get to her, but I got there first...

3:Stone Temple Pilots-"Still Remains"; A very romantic song that reminded me of my relationship at the time (ie Micha)

4:Fleetwood Mac-"Riannon"; If you've ever had a crush, you know what this song describes.

5:Misfits-"Where Eagles Dare"; Aggressive music is good at times...keeps me from knifing random people. Also reminds me of my former relatively violent days.

6:Tom Waits "I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You"; This song happens every time I meet an interesting new woman

7:Doors-"People Are Strange"; Well... yes I am... thank you!

8:Tori Amos-"Mohammed My Friend"; Yes it ws a woman, and an African and a skinny ugly Jew.

9:Stevie Ray Vaughn-"Crossfire"; Great blues song for background and I can't tell you how many times I've been there

10:The Cure-"A Letter To Elise"; It reminds me of how a particular relationship ended (Micha again) and says the things I never could

11:Janis Joplin-"Me and Bobby McGee"; because of one romantic night in New Orleans, Nov 1994, and for "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"

12:Nick Cave-"Into My Arms"; another really romantic song, reminds me of Jen, and I don't believe in an interventionist God either.

13:Oingo Boingo-"Dead Man's Party"; because Danny is the king of hardcore weirdness

14:Leonard Cohen-"Famous Blue Raincoat"; A song about forgiveness, something I wish I had (take that however you want to)

15:Nine Inch Nails-"Something I Can Never Have"; because isn't that what we all want?

16:Meat Loaf-"You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth"; silly intro,theatical vocalist, and in some 50's style, what's not to like...great make-out song by the way

17:U2-"(Pride) In The Name Of Love"; This song reminds me of being a kid, moving across the country.

18:David Bowie-"China Girl"; "I stumble into town/Just like a sacred cow"...'nuff said


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