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45 Degrees Of "Shut-the-Fuck-Up"


Matt, I'm here to tell you
To take all that bitterness and anger
You've gotten
And shove it
This is the guy you become
When you step onto that stage
And I'm tired
Tired of expressing your rage and contempt
For everything from the state of this planet
To the way people look at you
Now I want to remind you
Of a few things

You are 26 years old
And somehow
Despite the fact that
You can be and have been
The biggest asshole on this planet
Somehow you have
Found Love twice
At least twice with women
Who have Loved you back

Now what are you so damn
Bitter about?
Is it because they're gone?
Because no matter how things
For one brief moment
YOU of all people
Where the most important
Thing in the world to someone
You knew what happiness is
And thousands of miles
Or hurt feelings
Can never take those memories away

I would also like to remind you
That people actually cheer
Your neuroses
The angstier you get
The more people eat it up
Like your emotional problems
Are the best damn lasagna
They've ever had
So why are you bitter again?


P.S.- this is much better heard then read, I promise.

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