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Babbling about Babbling


Someone who reads this drivel some day may wonder why I tend to babble on about random shit and put in bad Magus poems rather than talk about my day-to-day adventures. Well, there are really two reasons for this. The first and most obvious is that, other than some of the things that go on in my head I lead a really boring life. I don't really do all that much, but you have to remember that I'm damn well 26 years old and most of my adventuring is out of my system. That's not to say that there isn't any at all left, just that it's a bit toned down now, mostly because I've done damn near everything I've wanted to do. My laid back life is also due to the fact that often excitement comes with silly melodrama, which is something that I bloody well don't want in my life right now. Jen was enough melodrama for a while (sorry honey, but it's true, either you are a magnet for the shit, or you subconsciously seek it out in order to add something to your life). BTW: I'm telling her all this as I'm writing it...she just signed on AIM.

The second reason I don't write about day-to-day crap is that there are intimate details of my life that I refuse to speak about as if I were some sort of teen kid in a locker room... I'll never mention any sex life I may or may not have, just because I feel that it's disrespectful to anyone I might be seeing to blab about what we do in our intimate moments... the only time I've done it so far, was because it was a joke... if you don't get it, you can bugger off.

So there you go...that's why I babble to you daily...because I damn well have to put something here. BTW: Jen says it's the magnet thing...

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