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Weekend Stuff


What a long, strange trip this weekend has been (sorry had to have an obligitory GD reference). The party at Raymond's was a success for the most part, but only after we began to have it, was going to change locations, and then had it here anyway.

How this came about: It seems that this guy Preston, who is one of the Mustang/Yukon kids who has an obsession with knives (and when I say this, I don't mean that he is fond of knives like the rest of us, no, he sees a new knife and he'll do almost anything to get it) was throwing a going-away party for Ryan Shaw (the biker guy, almost stereotypically so, and one half of the duo I affectionately refer to as "the testosterone twins") on the same day (friday) that we were planning our party. We found out about this well after we had invited a lot of people to Raymond's. A good many people from Preston's party decided to come to us and drag us to thier party, so we decided to cancel our party and invite our guests with us to Preston's. While I was in the process of this, another phone call came in, it seems the party at Preston's was going to change locations to some chick's apartment. So we changed that back to being held over here (Raymond's), called the people who we had gotten a chance to call back yet again to a lot of cries of "make up your fucking minds" and had our little party.

As soon as I realized I wasn't going to have to drive anywhere, I started to drink. Other than a few drinks of soda to keep me from getting too drunk, I drank all night. At one point while I was sitting inside listening to music, I had three beautiful women sitting on the couch with me, and I was giving two of them neckrubs. I felt loved right about then, let me tell you.

The only problem with the party came when when Tobiason (another Yukon/Mustang kid, with a bad temper and not too high IQ), took offense to something that Will (WP) (The big black drunken poet with a thing for old italian porn, amateur porn, and my ex, Jen) said jokingly. I did my best to try to calm him down at first, and then he said something to piss me off and I tried to get his anger diverted to me, unsucessfully, I think, even though no fight broke out.

The next day I woke up with a headache and thought I had my first hangover ever, but I didn't feel generally sick with it, and the headache didn't go away all day, as hangovers are wont to do. I then hung out with the Mustang/Yukon kids at Preston's place, where we had a bonfire. Well, I can't really say I "hung out" with them, because I was exceedingly introvertive and anti-social, and mostly stayed away from the group. When I eventually went to sleep last night, my headache still had not gone away. It's gone now though.

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