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Babbling Shit


There are times in everyones life when no one seems to care and the world has gone to shit...this is not one of those times. Every now and again I feel like rambling...this IS one of those times.

I think that the state of this little world of ours is in serious trouble. We've got an idiot in the US presidency who can't seem to do math. It seems that all he's looking for is short-term benifits for the majority so that they'll re-elect him. What he doesn't seem to realize is that people are not as stupid as they were when his father was in office. We notice things like the fact that his $2 billion tax cut is going to bankrupt this country within 10 years...putting us right back where we were economically when his father left office. Would you like some doughnuts with your recession, Mr. Bush?

Also this dissapearance of two spy planes over China bothers me. They are easily able to throw us into another world war if this situation is not handled delicately. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not really ready to see friends of mine die for some stupid conflict of ideologies. While I believe that the Chinese government is horrible just for their treatment of Tibet, I can't see the big one errupting over these things that don't really matter in the long run...eventually all empires must fall. Let's let them fall on thier own, otherwise it could be the US empire that does the falling.

We must never forget, that each of us is a world unto himeslf, each death is the death of a world. How many worlds have to end for politics?

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