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NOLA 2 (slightly better then the first poem-type thing)



As the pigeons play soccer
With a piece of bread
Playing "keep away" from the sparrows
And some green-winged waitress pours
Some strange liquid over sugar and strainers
Soldiers die on a checkered field
The white has been stained red
Psyduck eyes a glass full of toothpicks
As if sizing up the perfect weapon
And the french-bread schizophrenic
Bops the multitute on thier collective heads
I'm trying to get a handle
On something that happened
3000 miles and 2 weeks away
Far behind that strech of potholes
That the US government call I-10
They call it the City of Sin
I call it the City Of Shit
With its flashing distractions
And cat-calls of change going
Into slot machines
That's where you decided to leave me

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