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NOLA 1 (bad poem type thing)



Trying to get a clear perspective on
The events of recent past
I came back here
It seems to help me think
After the initial shock of this town
When everything starts to fade
Into background noise and smoke
And the people become
Endless waves of extras
In the movie of your life
You can finally start to put
Your Will into words
I know you didn't mean to hurt me
If I were more advanced on my path
That last night wouldn't have bothered me so much
But if I've learned anything these 26 years
It's that I feel things for a reason
And that my first instincts are
Usually the correct ones
So don't be sad
That I've had to leave
Or even that you hurt me at all
Because it led me here
And even if nothing comes of this little trip
I've gotten to see and old friend and eat beignets

They say the path of the Fool leads to the Crown
I guess we'll see

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