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Here's the basic cast of my life right now...I'm sorry that I'll have to exclude some people, but I don't feel like typing all damn night.

Jen: Ex-girlfriend. Basically good person, but really doesn't seem to know what she wants. Great fashion sense and taste in most music. There is no one else who I would rather take care of me when I'm sick. Willing to please to a fault, but then I suppose I'm not complaining. Sorry guys, she may or may not be taken at the moment... the question is, taken by who?

Raymond: Fat guy who smokes a lot. Decent, caring person. Doesn't like to play BS games with people. A bit condesending to some people, who mistake his sometimes dry humor for either elitishness or stupidity.

Heather: Long time friend. Exceedingly blunt, yet increadibly good it any wonder I used to have a crush on her?

Scott: Short guy. Tries really hard to pretend he doesn't care about people, but really has a 24 carrot heart. Not a good person to be around when he was drinking...just ask his friend Dave.

Emily: My very silent, very cool friend in New Orleans. One of my favorite all-time people for backrubs and comfortable silence. Totally disinterested in dating anyone, damn...

The Wayward Poets: A group of the greatest collection of thinkers I've ever met. Each of them are living saints and rock stars. So that I don't offend anyone, I'm not going to mention any of them by name here. What I am going to do is this, whenever a Wayward poet appears in one of these enteries, I'm going to put a (wp) by thier name the first time it appears in said entry.

That's it for the main cast for now, as more enter this journal, I will describe thier basic personality traits...before this is all done, I hope to entrench my readers into my world.


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