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This is just a small example


This is a conversation that went on in my head last night. These things happen sometimes, and I often imagine a great many conversations with all kinds of people:

Her:...I mean, I think you're the greatest guy I know and all...
Me:No I'm not, I mean, I'm sure you think I'm a nice guy and all, but to think that highly of me would hint at feelings that I know you don't have.(Launching into monolouge here as often happens with the imagined conversations in my head) and while it makes me sad that you don't feel the same way I do, I accept it. Of course, there's this little part of me that always goes(making hand puppet with short mouth here with right hand to illistrate point), "what's wrong with me that she doesn't like me," but then a more prominant part of me speaks up and says (using other hand to make puppet with bigger mouth) "She just doesn't feel the same way, there may not be any specific reasons, and even if there are they are unimportant" (Here the larger mouthed hand puppet, which is my left hand, eats the smaller headed hand puppet, which is naturally my right, in order to further illustrate my point) and besides, why would I feel the need to ask a question like that, which, if it could be answered, I really wouldn't want the answers to. After all, my little world is fragile enough at this point that just knowing such things could cause it to crack like a cd in the microwave....

It goes on further from there but that was the funny bits. I'm not sure why these imaginary conversations pop into my head when I'm trying to go to sleep, or why I feel the need to let them play out, but it certainly is interesting I suppose, in the "I'm a f'n psychopath" kind of way. Until next time...~Matt Magus

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