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"Ah...A brave new world. With such yutzes in it"
The Joker-"Batman Beyond:Return of the Joker"

There are some who would say
That I'm too angst-ridden to be any good
At my chosen occupation
And I might just be
I have fallen from grace more times then I care to admit
But I always pick myself up
And try to fly again
Of course these sort of comments
Usually come from self-styled mystics
Who have become so used to the idea
That no matter what you should pretend to be happy
They get this from their so-called gurus
Who are just badly recycling crap anyway
Now let's get one thing straight right now
There is no such thing as a "negative" emotion
It's what you do with the emotions that count
And what better thing to do then attempt to create something with them
And while we are on the subject
If you were so bloody advanced on your path
You would no also
That there is no such thing as "positive" and "negative" energy
There is only energy
The only thing that is either of these is the current of
In other words
The way in which it is allowed to flow
And even in this case
The "negative" is simply the grounding
Or suppressing of energy
And as we all know
Suppresing anything is almost always a bad idea

~Matt Magus

P.S. On second thought, this sounds wrong, it sounds like total b.s. Oh, well. Work has been a bitch, and I haven't had time to really update lately. So you'll just have to deal with this crap until I either write something else, or come back and correct this

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