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Big Brother
Are you watching
While I verbally masterbate
All over your illusions of Control
Mentally mooning you
And daring you to come
Make an issue out of it
I mentally defocate
On your puppet President
Despite no lack of charisma
And a recognizable family name
Wouldn't have been able to take office
If you hadn't staged the chicanery
Of making some votes disappear
While pulling others from your butt-pucker
Then in a maneuver that made Gregory Hines
Look like he just stepped off of Burbon Street
Legally blocked the truth of the matter
And that truth is that
Despite all that you had done
The other guy had actually won
Then you allowed thousands to die
In an attack that could have easily been prevented
An attack you knew about
And used it as an excuse
To start a war
Attempting to make us forget your crimes
While manufacturing new, subtler ones
But WE, the people
Will not forget
And history will repeat itself
AS the son learns the sames lessons
That his father did
After all
You tried all this crap before
Or don't you remember

~Matt Magus

Now this poem is a theory based on certain facts that have come to my attention. Fact 1:Certain people knew a lot about the attacks before they happened. They knew when they were going to happen, and they had enough details to have stopped it. Some key people in power have used the excuse that they didn't know that they could take the threat seriously. I say this is bollacks. You always have to take a threat of this magnitude seriously. Fact 2: Despite the fact that all of the terrorists involved in the attacks were from Saudi Arabia. We have yet to even begin to try to route out the Al-Quada that are there. My guess on this one is that it is because the Saudis are supposed to be our allies, and we want to give them a chance to take care of it before we go charging in there. Yet the fact alone, especially when combined with fact 1, raises a lot of questions. Is this war just a "wag-the-dog", to blind us from the fact that we have an idiot in the White House? Or is it a chess game with millions of lives as the pieces, in a game of simple control of our freedoms. Again this is all THEORY, all mearly POSSIBLITY. The only reason I state it is so that you may look at the situations from all angles. Watch the world carefully and make your own judgments. Above all else, THINK FOR YOURSELVES, SMUCKS!!!!!


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