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The Reading, politics, and "The last Stand"


To all those of you who are in the OKC area, and missed tonight's reading at Galileo (that's right, both of you), I'm sorry. You missed the best night of poetry that I can remember. It was better tonight then the glory days of Medina's, and that says a lot. Everyone put on a hell of a show, and I'm damn proud of all the relatively new people. (As if I had anything to do with it...) I very much suggest that you go to next weeks reading, as it is sure to be at least somewhat close to as good as tonights. For those of you who can't make it there on Wed. nights, I suggest you go to Expresso Connection on Monday, to get a small taste of what you're missing. By the way, for those of you who don't know, Expresso Connection is the coffee shop formerly known as Sandman's. The Monday reading is hosted by Miranda, and is small enough right now that we are able to hold two rounds. The same rules apply for both rounds that apply at Galileo, except you have 10 minutes instead of six to get your two poems read. That goes for each round, by the way, so if nothing else you'll get four poems from some of the best poets in the nation. I don't say this lightly. I've seen everyone from Big Poppa E to the entire San Francisco slam team, and a couple of people from here in Oklahoma are even better then them. Of course, I might be partial. To quote Cassidy from _Preacher_ though, "Too much time on thier hands. Leads to poetry."

In other Magus news, the rest of the world seems to be getting more stupid then ever. The government of these United States is back in the red, and everyone is acting suprised. President Bush is blaming the growing debt on the war against terrorism, but we should all know better. I told you people months ago that his Tax cuts, combined with the extra spending would do this. The only thing the war has done is speed up the process that was happening anyway. What really gets me is that only now are the Democrates saying anything about it. We knew this was going to happen a year ago, where were all your cries of outrage then, eh? The only reason you didn't say anything then was because it wasn't popular to mention the long term problems we would have when we gave everyone a short term amount of a little money. Now all these politicians are going to do is look even worse because of the war that's going on. Don't be fooled by the lies you politicians are trying to tell you, my friends. We knew this was going to happen all along, they just wanted to wait until we were in over our heads to say anything. That, above all else, is why I can't stand for politicians of either party. Nothing but snake-oil salesmen, the whole lot of them! Remember that come next election day people. A lot of politicians have tried to lie to you and tell you that voting for a third party is throwing your vote away. It is also a lie, if everyone who wanted to vote for a third party had done so, we would have neither Democrate or Republican in the White House right now. So from this point forward, vote independant, stop being f'n sheep. Start taking control again. It is only throwing away your vote my friends, if you vote against your judgement. If nothing else you send a message to those in power. You tell them that you won't put up with thier crap anymore. If people come to you with a petition to get another party on the ballot, sign it. It doesn't matter what the person's platform is, as you aren't voting for them yet, just get them all on the ballot. The decision then broadens and you can find out about the candidates and vote for who you think is the best person for the job. It never hurts to get an extra choice on your ballots, there can never be too many choices when it comes to your government. As always my friends, this is only the opinion of one man, and I could be wrong. Think for yourselves!

Enough ranting for now I think, I got way the hell out there, and I'm not sure if I can pull myself back in again. At any rate, here's an attempt at some poetry. Let's hope it's better then the last few.


Grinning like a junkie
After his last hit
I saw you standing there
Your eyes flickered in the candlelight
And I thought I saw something in them
It looked an aweful lot
Like the skull and crossbones
That tell you not to ingest something
Your smile was like
An uncontrolable house fire
When the wind is high
A danger to everything around it
But I can't help be pulled to you
It's almost as if
You have invisible tendrils
Hiding in the
Curve of your lips
Or perhaps your body
Has a telekinetic ability
That you aren't aware of
Either way
I want to catch your gaze
In a butterfly net
And while I know
That I'm not a very charming person
If you let me into your mind
Neither of us will want me out
Instead we would freeze all of creation
Into that solitary moment
When our arms wrap around each other

~Matt Magus

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