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Eddie the Trombone King


There's no time
For broken memories
When being chased by
Fuck-ups and losers galore
Some days it seems like
Every dilapidated crack-whore
Wants to be a part of
This horribly selfish quest
You know you're
In too deep when
The bombs start going off
Inside your own mind
And while I've never been one
To stand by while the world
Around us drops IQ points
As if its intelligence was free-falling
I can't seem to shake off
These clouds of poisonous self-doubt
All the control in the world
Won't bring about revolution
Or any other "ution" you can think of
And while I know
That there's no use in
Complainin' about the evil of humanity
I think we're all entitiled to some answers


Well, this was supposed to be a kind of monolouge from a fictional character in my head. Turned out not very good, I think. Don't worry too much though, this little slump of mine can't last too much longer. I should be back to writing slightly better things soon...I hope

~Matt Magus

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