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Ain't found a way...


Well it's been a fun couple of days. After I updated last, I, Emily, and her friends Patrick and Seth went to see MIB 2. The movie actually impressed me. It was the best Sequel I can remember that wasn't George Lucas inspired. It was either almost as funny or just as funny as the first (I haven't decided which yet), while somehow being even more of an action movie then the first. Then yesterday we went over to Patricks parent's house for a fourth of July bbq thing. That was really fun. Pat's mom is pretty f'n cool. I'm glad we didn't go anywhere near the tourist areas last night, due to the fact that I really hate having to deal with drunk balligerant people, especially when said people have access to vehicles. I'm going to try to write some more poetry a little later on today, but right now I just wanted to let everyone know that NOLA hasn't killed me yet. Damn! I love this city! Even the places where it smells bad.

~Matt Magus

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