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Another little rant, based on a rant, based on a rant


The comments that we added to the last entry are just a few of the reasons why Jen-Jen is one of my favorite people. First she does me the favor of correcting my spelling, and then she goes off on a political rant of her own. There are some who would condemn her for her non-caring attitide about the state of things, but not I. Her points are for the most part concise, whether they be to justify apathy or not. It's kind of funny though, last nights poem initially came out of me because I had the sudden urge to do a "croch chop" in the direction of a camera in Denny's. At least that's where the "Big Brother/Are you watching" part comes in. Everything else just comes from some of the thoughts that have been stirring in my head for a while. A lot of what if's have come up in my head over the series of events recently. Everyone knows I love to theorize on possibilities, even if they are scary ones. In fact, I like those best of all. Add to that the fact that I'm still kind of pissed over the farce that the "election" turned out to be. In any case the are those who would say that the great thing about America is that we have the right to complain about our government when they do something stupid. I disagree. It is neither a privilege nor a right to point out the faults of the people in power, in fact it's really f'n draining. It is instead the duty of those who have the will to attempt it to show those in power that they are in error. It's never an easy thing to do, and for the most part you get shit on for it, because there's always some tosser waiting in the wings to accuse you of things like being "unpatriotic" or "un-American", because you had the balls to tell the truth. But then again as always, this is mearly my perspective and I could easily be wrong. Once again, THINK FOR YOURSELVES SCHMUCKS (thanks Jen!)!!!!

~Matt Magus

p.s. I would like to point out that nothing I said was in regards to our system of government itself, and not even really in reference to "Dubya". He himself is harmless. He is just a puppet of other people, and we all know that I have something against puppeteers. (heh)

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