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blah, ppv tomorrow


I think I'm too content lately. I haven't written anything that's been worth dogshit in a long time. While I understand it doesn't take pain to inspire a good poem, there has been no real inspiration of any kind in my life lately. Just little things that make me want to bitch at the world. Now, while doing political satire is always somewhat gratifying, it gets old after a while. It also gets kind of depressing when you can't seem to do that very well either. Bah, really I'm just talking out of my ass here, truthfully I don't feel any particular way about the things I've written recently, and that's part of the problem. I really hate to sit here and complain about it, because it's my own damn fault. The only thing is I feel like I owe the three freaking people who read this damn thing some sort of update. Now mind you that even Jen doesn't clamor for me to do entries anymore, so I really doubt that any of you care all that much, but I still feel as if I owe you something.

Here's something that may be of some interest to a couple of you. The legendary "Lord of the Vibes" read at this weeks Wed. night reading, and he pulled out one of his older poems. I forget what the title is, but the point of the whole poem is that it "sucks". It really doesn't, in fact it's quite good, but I thought I would share a quote from that poem. "This poem suck more then a bathtub full of Rush Limbaugh/Which sucks on many, MANY levels" Well there you go. Have a NICE day

~Matt Magus

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