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Bunch of bullshit that you really don't have to read


Well this has been a pretty shitty week so far. First I wake up on Sunday and my ankle is in a little bit of pain. Not bad really, just feels like I've twisted it, which I've done about three billion times over my life, but then when I woke up Monday, I couldn't even put any weight on it. It hasn't gotten much better since, but at least I can walk on it now. Then when I got to work on Monday I was told that I'll be closing with Jeff all week, which I wouldn't mind at all if it weren't for the fact that the final slam was rescheduled to this week. So I guess I'm going to miss that part, but I e-mail Spontaneous Bob so hopefully he'll put me on the open mike list. I'm kind of upset that I have to miss the slams, and that I'll miss most if not all of the guerrilla poets from Boston, but it's ok....none of this is all that necessary since I'm not going to have enough money to go to nationals anyway, even if I somehow despite all odds make the team. Still, I would have liked to compete in it. Not to worry though, if I'm still here, there will always be next year.

~Matt Magus

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