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Between my head and my right ankle
Bionic implants are looking inviting
Between the Christians
Who need to pay more attention to thier Bibles
And less to thier ministers
And my own sins
That seem to stalk me everywhere
Running away is seductive
Foreign cities call out to me
Like the faked moans of a prostitute
Or a certain ex
But that's another series of poems entirely
I know however
That my sins will follow me
Like a personal Moriarty
Or Sherlock Holmes
I'm not sure which
I've become convinced
That they're really the same person anyway
Just a mis-step away from each other
When two people are walking a tightrope
Toward the center
Someone is bound to fall
Just as I have
Fallen all the way
To a sef-imposed exile with the rats
No wings to carry me back into grace
Just a wreck of flesh
That was once called a man

~Matt Magus

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