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The Cult Of Fire


I updated my profile this evening, adding authors, movies and all that rot that was missing before. I didn't add any new diaries, because I'm fairly sure that soon the list would be more then overflowing. Instead I just said that for other diaries that I like they should just check my "links" page. Which also reminds me, tomorrow night after I get home, I'm going to be adding a few new links to other diaries, as there are a few I check regularly that aren't listed there yet.

The "Royal Rumble" is tomorrow and the build-up has gotten me hooked. I really can't wait to see if HHH gets a little more ring time then he did this week. I still think the return of Goldust is just silly-assed though (no pun intended). I think the perfect main even for Wrestlemania this year would be a three-way dance between The Rock, SC Steve Austin, and HHH. Anything else would be ultimately disapointing, and I wouldn't watch the bloody thing. Get those belts off of Jericho for fuck's sake, while I have no doubts that he deserves to wear them, he doesn't make a very believable champion for very long. He's much to freakin' whiney. A crappy heel, that one is. You didn't see HHH becoming a little bitch when he turned heel, but he seems to be the only one like that in the WWF. Enough ranting, on with the poetry!!!!


With a dry laugh
That almost sounds like coughing
I stepped away from
Those few things in my life
That gave me a tiny peek at what
Happiness is
And stepped into that void
Which is the cess-pool of our world
Out into the pin-points that we call stars
While Luna barely peeked an eye
Around the cloud she was hiding behind

Only too often
Griefs came to me
Like highwaymen
To rob me of any joy
I had carved into
The face of my reality
And sometimes
Love and all that comes with it
Would ride out of the darkness
Sometimes like a knight from
Some lost legend
But more often like
An ever advancing army
Of horrible creatures
That would make Lovecraft
Dance around with thier
Terrible inspiration
But all of this
Had been the price
For the freedom of my mind
And I would have it
No other way

~Matt Magus

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