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"Then and Now" part one


Here we go with the first attempt at taking one of my old poems and re-vamping it to make it more representative of how I write now. I'm not really re-writing the poem per se, but taking the origional spirit with which it was wrote and writing a totally different poem.

Any way, some background for these two poems. It seems that for some reason I was inspired by witches. Here is the first one. It doesn't have a title, so it's title is: "Untitled 1/21/94; 11:24 am"


My sense of wonderment at it's peak
All my desire for knowledge strengthening
Every time I see Diana rise
Chasing her brother away
The emotional energy created
By Her Lunar Majesty
Fills my thoughts with ideas and secrets
But when she retires
Her spiteful brother rises up
And strangles my creativity
'Till I'm barely competent enough to write drably
So I cringe at the sunlight and move to darker corners
Blotting out Apollo's arrows of light
Light a candle and beg the sweet muses forth


Boy that was darkety dark, dark, dark. So here's the new version I will call "Jumping on the Funk"


I brush my hair
From my eyes
Sip from the
Bitter Elixer of Life
And say a prayer to Her

She brings me truths
That taste like coffee
On a cold night
Tells me secrets
That feel like
The grey tendril
Of cigarette smoke
Filling my brain
Instead of my lungs

She is my inspiration
By doing nothing more
Then sitting there
Looking at me
Night after night

Her names are many
Artemis, Diana, Luna
And Her Silver stare
Brings comfort
To the wise
And chaos
To the ignorant

When She sleeps
Her brother Apollo
Seems to aim his
Arrows of light
Right at my brain
Because thought becomes as difficult
In his presence
As carrying a house
On top of your head

So I place cardboard
Over my windows
And wait
Until my mind
Is finally conquered
By merciful sleep

~Matt Magus

PS. Let me know what you think....

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