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It's a rambling entry yet again...if you expect anything interesting don't read any further...


I've been spending today arranging my things in the attic. I found some of my really old poetry, and some of it was so bad that I found myself blushing as I tore then up and threw them away. Not all of them mind you. There were actually a few that in the coming weeks I'm going to re-write and make better so that everyone can see the progress I've made since then. One of the main reasons I'm going through these things is because very soon I'm going to start work on putting together my first chap-book, and I need some of the images and artwork I've gathered over the years to help get it done. If all goes well, it should be a very interesting book indeed, especially as a bit of the background art is going to be some of the abstract pieces I did when I was younger. Which is to say that the artwork is going to be weird and bad. Also I'll be using the artwork of certain people I've known over the years (such as I still have left). I need to commission the help of someone who is very good at drawing or painting people though, because I want a particular piece of art that has all of my personal inspirations on it. Kind of like "Sgt. Pepper's", only not necessarily in that kind of order. Oh well, enough rambling for now. I'll probably write another entry later tonight, perhaps something with a poem in it.

~Matt Magus

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