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What is Mario's obsession with mushrooms anyway?


A couple of things before we get to tonights poem (which I actually wrote last night before going to sleep). First off, for some reason someone from the Eastern Time Zone was looking up my name on Google and found my web-page. I was wondering who you are and why you were looking for me? Also for those of you that I've been having a regular correspondence with via e-mail, I'm having problems with my ISP lately so it may take a while to respond to your latest e-mails. I'm sorry, but it can't be helped right now. Now it's poem time.


We are nothing
But passing shadows
And a moment of noise
We cry out
To know ourselves
And God better
But each is mearly
A fragment of thought
That in itself
Can know nothing
We are made of Dreams
And as such
Are mostly forgettable
To leave a lasting
Memory on the One
Who sleeps
Takes all we have
But is the most
Important goal
If all we are
Is a collection of
Atoms and energy
Then may my
Every particle
Be spread through
All of creation
And my energy
Generate the fuel
That will launch

~Matt Magus

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