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Here is a preliminary warning, at least one of the few people who reads this diary, is going to be rather angry after reading this next poem. I wrote it before going to bed last night, and didn't really write it out of spite or anything of that nature, despite how it may sound. While it may seem to contain some rather strong opinions of a certain situation, it is just a poem and only my opinion. It has nothing to do with any real facts whatsoever, but I'm actually a little fond of it, if I can make a few changes anyway. Well, enough stalling, here it is.


When I was young
I hear The Platters sing,
(By the way, I've learned recently that these words were not performed first by them, but that doesn't matter to the subject at hand, because they were the first people I heard them from)
"Said someday you'll find
"All who love are blind
(Insert hacking noises here a-la Bill the Cat)
I think that what
Whoever wrote this song ment was
All who love are stupid
Because they rarely ever
Love who or what they want
But that doesn't really
Sound all that romantic,
Does it?
I've also come to realize lately
That people tend NOT
To love me for who I AM
But rather
In spite of it

If you are with me
Do not be with me
Because of who I can be
Who I COULD be
Or who I will be
Tomorrow, two weeks
Or even ten years from now
Be with me for who
I am NOW
Because no matter how much
You, I, Your parents, my parents
God, my neighbor's dog
Or anyone else
Wants me to be something else
Even something better
I am NOT currently that thing
And all the pushing, pulling, prying
Or hitting me in the head
With a baseball bat
Isn't going to change that
In fact
It will only make
Matters worse
For the both of us
Because the razor blades
Will start flying from our mouths
To disect each others
Hearts, minds, and other organs
That are best not discussed
In mixed company
Forceful, sudden change
Has always been
And will always be resisted
Even if it's for the better
You need look no further
Then our own history books
To see that lesson
Over and over again

~Matt Magus

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