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Barrio Bumbling


In times
When the rains falls down
Upon you like a plauge
And your body rebels at all movement
And you have trouble remembering why
You wanted to move in the first place
You have to remind yourself
That all things break down
Most easily when they stop
Entrophy is a harsh truth
That one day
Tries to claim all
The same is true
For everything about you
Not just your body
If you don't take your mind
Out for a walk every now and then
It will begin to wither away
And so too for the spirit
Especially that of a magician
If you don't take the time
To let yourself play
Within that limitless relm of imagination
Then slowley it too
Shall begin to fade
Like a light on a dimmer switch
In the hands of a
Very irratic stage manager

~Matt Magus

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