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Atilla ain't got nothing on me


We are forgotten dreams and shattered hopes
Drunk with emotion
We seek truths that
We've always known
And call ourselves brilliant
When we realize it
We create our enimies
From bits of exaggeration
And a lot of imagination
Then revel in our strength
For overcoming our mythological nemeses
Whether said villians
Know it or not
Am I the only one
Who is deathly tired
Of these little games of
"Who can bullshit the most"?
In a world where
The truth is supposed to
Set one free
There doesn't seem to be
A whole lot of it going around
So I wake up every night
To the screaming echoes in my head
That tell me to end
This masquarade of losers
And not to allow
The presence of malictious
Half-truths into my world anymore
But they keep finding
Little back doors
To sneak in from
Just to assualt my sensabilities I think
So I fight them off again
Just to have them come back
In a little while
Or to have them pointed at me
Like spears that are thrown from tounges
They never seem to be able
To strike me fatally though
And I usually get a good
Laugh out of the things
That some people are
Stupid enough to believe


By the way everyone, thank you for the compliments. You are all starting to make me blush like a teenager caught in a sexual act for the first time. Damn....that sounded better when I first thought it up.

~Matt Magus

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