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I've finally broken it down
Stripped away all the variables
Leaving only the core of truth
And what I've been left with is
When you take away the details
When you remove the semantics
It's all the same theme
Just maybe the slightest variations on how it's played
We are all striving
To leave this place
In some sort of impression of our presence
All trying to impress something we cannot define
In physical terms
Calling it "religion"
Or "Love"
But it's all the same idea
Just a different method
Or execution
But all the basic facts remain the same
We live
We do our best to love
We think
We eat
And we die
We all want to experiance the world
But never realize that there's
Nothing more there
That we can experiance with our limited senses
That hasn't already touch us
In one way or another...


P.s. I seriously doubt that this one is finished. It needs a lot of editing, and an ending that I'll be satisfied with. At least I worte something today...


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