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The Dream Quest of The Unknown Bullshit


Have I blown enough
Startdust up your ass?
I know that sometimes I might
Seem a little "out there"
Floating along on cosmic quests
Through nebulas of bollacks
But it's kind of like my friend Puck
Used to tell me
He would say,
"You can have all the mystic power
"In the Universe,
"But you still have to buy toliet paper"
While I like to think
That I'm a well-rounded person,
And I'm not talking about my gut here,
Sometimes it seems like
I spend way too much time
Traveling in my cream-filled imagination
Or reminising about
Lovers who have
All but forgotten me
And kudos for them by the way
Some memories still
Burn in my skull
Like napalm

Mainly I'm just trying
To figure things out for myself
Sometimes the questions
Aren't even all that gigantic
I think about things like
"Why do some people
"Feel the need to belittle others
"In order to make themselves feel important,
"Or superior?"
The fact of the matter is this
Not I not any of you
Are greater then anyone else
Do you think I'm lying?
Ask someone who hates you why they do...
You'll find out really fast
That there is no Uber Mench(sp?)
Or at least,
If there is
It certainly isn't YOU

So the next question is
"How does one make oneself
"Into a better person?"
For me
This is where all that ultra-weird mumbo jumbo hoobajoob
Comes from
My search for the answer to that one question
And while it has helped me
To correct some of my previous flaws
I keep finding new ones

That is also
Why I point out the trouble
With society in general
Because in recognizing those things
That are the faults of our civilization
It helps me to get a better understanding
Of my own
Maybe that seems a little odd to some of you
But here's the idea behind it
One cannot recognize a problem
With someone else
It it has never existed to some extent
In said observer
That having been said
The main thing it has done for me
Is to make me a more understanding person
When it comes to the faults of other individuals

I'm only happy to recognize the fact
That I will never be perfect
But that doesn't mean
That I should give up the search
To become a better person
A state of true perfection
Can never be reached by someone
Who is covered in skin
But if you give up trying to fix your flaws
Then that means you've resigned yourself to
Being nothing more
Then an asshole
Or at least,
That's how I would feel
About myself...
Your experiences may differ
After all,
What do I know?
I'm just a person....

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