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Heartbreak and the Warrior


Come to think of it, yesterdays offering was one of the worst things I've ever written. Sometimes, however, you have to fall on your face. The only really bad mistakes are those you refuse to learn from. Here, let's hope this one is better.


I'm falling into memory
That old nemesis always
Hiding in the
Smoke filled corner of my mind
He's always hanging around
Like an old horse thief
To remind me that I've never
Been as noble or just as
I would have liked
He tells me stories about myself
As if they were campfire re-tellings
Of old frightening folk-lore
Or a bad actor reciting E. A. Poe
Vincent Price's no talent twin
And he always seems to be
Drinking something that I can't recognize
But it's strong with the smell
Of alchohol and herbs
That I can't quite place
So far I've been
Unable to bribe him
Or fight him
Or command him
To just go away
But as much as I hate to admit it
I need him to remind me
Of my own stupidity
In that raspy pompous British voice
Keeping my ego in check
And reminding me that
Our mistakes
And more importantly
Our ability to learn from them
Define our humanity

~Matt Magus

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